Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cabin Fever equals Writer's Block

Who would have thought spending time in a room by yourself could be the least influential in the creative writing process. Before this flood business began I had several plays in constructive process. All of them original, wonderful ideas that I was excited to work on, of course with school, however, it is difficult to find time to just sit and write. So, when we were told to get out and had time to sit and do absolutely nothing for a week I realized I could just write until my heart’s content with all four of my plays. After taking a few days of resting my mind and watching mind numbing television I decided it was time to take advantage of this great opportunity, so, I sat and looked over what I had written so far and… nothing. I had nothing. No jokes, no dialogue, no action whatsoever. I was so disappointed. Not worrying about it I went back to watching television, getting caught up on my shows, so to speak. Then school began again, it felt good to get back to work again. But the writer’s block was still there, I had absolutely nothing to write about. I sat staring at my computer with absolutely nothing. I tried brainstorming, random writing but I had nothing of substance that would go anywhere. “What is happening to me?” I asked. Then I realized I had been stuck in my apartment doing nothing but working out, sleeping late and watching television. I had nothing to inspire me. All of my friends are out of town and I had no one to banter with, I had no one to talk to and only my television and computer for company. I realized this was a lonely state to be in and obviously not very productive for my brain. So, I tried talking with friends on the phone, unfortunately, I have never been much of a phone person either. I call for something specific, hi and byes then hang up, so that really didn’t help either. I am determined to go out and do something to get over this idle state of mind. It is a cliché but I think the whole idol mind is the devil’s playground is something to put stock into.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh- I totally know how you feel! I had writer's block terribly about a month ago, and it was awful. I couldn't do anything. I waisted like two hours on facebook, because I couldn't even begin to type a sentence for a report. I am so ready for this semester to be over. This was my first at VCSU, and it's actually been kind of challenging compared to MSUM (Minnesota State University of Moorhead). It took me a while to get the hang of things as far as blackboard goes. I don't know about you, but I am on computers all the time, and it's tough to come home from a long day at work, to sit on a computer for like six hours a night and do nothing but straight hw. Yay for summer!
